Minggu, 05 November 2017

My CCNA Cyber Ops

CCNA Cyber Ops Logo
Finally achieved my Cisco Certified Network Associate Cyber Ops (CCNA Cyber Ops) Certification. I got this by completing 2 Cisco exams (210-250 SECFND & 210-255 SECOPS), self-paced e-learning and mentoring from Tech2000.

Cisco Global Cybersecurity Scholarship
All these luxuries I get it from Cisco Global Cybersecurity Scholarship. A scholarship program from Cisco to help close cybersecurity skills gap. CCNA Cyber Ops is aligned with the job role of a Security Operations Center (SOC) Security Analyst.

Didiet Kusumadihardja - CCNA Cyber Ops
My certificate verification No. 430094169552HOCI. Verify my certificate here.

Special Thanks to:

  • Cisco, who has entrusted me to Cybersecurity Scholarship.
  • Tech2000 Team (Dan Garfield, Daniel Krupicka, John Mauritz, and Jennifer Lacagnina), who has guided me with mentoring and coaching sessions.