Trainer Portfolio

One of the risks that is owned by every company in running its business is not always on the technology factor but in the human resource factor. The absence of adequate awareness and understanding, poorly designed architecture and lack of personnel with technical expertise to operate IT systems that are owned can have a detrimental effect on the sustainability of the company's business.

Equipped with extensive and deep technical capabilities in the area of information technology, especially computer networks and cyber security. Didiet continues to hone his skills by taking various international certifications and really likes to share information technology knowledge by becoming a trainer.

The following are some of the trainings he has held:

 6. Training Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin (UEWA) v2 - No Exam.

    Jakarta, 23-24 Juni 2018.

5. In-House Training WiFi Fundamentals di Elnusa.
    Jakarta, 27 April 2017.


4. Training Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin (UEWA) v2.
    Jakarta, 1-2 April 2017.

3. Training Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin (UEWA) v2.
    Jakarta, 6-7 Februari 2017.

2. Training Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin (UEWA) v2.
    Jakarta, 11-12 Nopember 2016.

1. Training Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin (UEWA) v2.
    Jakarta, 5-6 Nopember 2016.

Didiet Kusumadihardja
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